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    Individual Therapy

    It can feel tough to deal with when too much is happening in life. Most people who start therapy feel trapped, unable to move forward. Perhaps you can relate? Perhaps you are unmotivated to do anything in your free time or you know you’d be happier if you made changes but it feels safer and more comfortable to stay the same.

    Stuck in negativity and feeling unmotivated, you may feel like life is being spent on worrying all the time.

    How Therapy Works

    Therapy consists of 50-minute, one-on-one sessions that help you work through your concerns. In addition to listening, I will guide you towards solutions and share what the science tells us about what’s going on for you, I play an active role. Here’s how it will work step-by-step:

    •  First, I provide a safe, accepting space so that you will feel comfortable sharing your struggles with me.
    • Through hearing your story, I will start to get a picture of what your challenges are.
    • We will start with helping you with immediate concerns like managing difficult emotions and challenging life situations.
    • We will also work to discover what your goals are in therapy and in life.
    • Keeping your unique goals in mind, we’ll figure out what’s needed to help you reach them.
    • Over the course of our sessions, you will start making progress towards the life you desire.

    Research shows that therapy can positively change your thinking, emotions, and behaviors. It can help you let go of what’s holding you back.

    So if any of these sound like you…

    • You keep worrying about the same problem over and over
    • You don’t know who you could ever trust with knowing about your secret struggle
    • You wish there was somebody who could tell you why you feel this way
    • You’re interested in therapy, but you don’t want to give up total control
    • Other areas of your life are being negatively impacted by your struggle
    • You need somebody to listen to you and your feelings for once
    • You’re interested in therapy, but not sure how it could fit into your life

    …Then individual therapy could be right for you.

    Book my free consultation online!

    Choose a time that works for you to have your FREE 20-minute phone consultation.


    Alternatively, or if none of the times work, please feel free to use the contact form below. 

    I look forward to talking with you!

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